My radio activity in 2009

Year 2009 is just ending, so I decided to make a little bilance of my radio activity in this year.

I didn’t transmit very much, I made only 715 QSOs and most of them during the last 3 months – before that I participated only in SSB part of CQ WPX Contest.

I made contacts with 101 DXCC countries and 28 CQ zones. I used mostly Phone way, but I made also 146 QSOs on CW (CW part of CQ WW DX) and 72 QSOs by RTTY – actually this year was the first one when I used digimodes.

This year I also started using ARRL’s Logbook of the World – I like it a lot, at the moment I’ve got 94 DXCC countries (6 more needed for DXCC award) and 27 U.S. States confirmed via the system.

Few month ago I also decided that I’ll try to get basic USA-CA award and started keeping list of contacted counties. At the moment I’ve contacted 95 counties (actually probably much more, these are just counties I know about – usually because of confirmation via LoTW or eQSL).

So that’s probably all, and what are my “HAM radio NYE resolutions”? I’d like to make AT LEAST 1000 QSOs, get DXCC award and contact more U.S. counties, so that my “coloring map” (USA-CA Map by NX5Z – is much less white than at the moment (white = not contacted county; light gray = contacted; dark gray = confirmed by QSL or eQSL)

My contacted US counties (1st Jan 2010; map by NX5Z)

My contacted US counties (1st Jan 2010; map by NX5Z)

All the best to the new year 2010!

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