Results of CQ WW DX SSB 2011

Results of SSB part of last year’s CQ WW DX contest were just published on contest website (or maybe a few days ago, I wasn’t checking very often…).

For a few last weeks, I was quite looking forward to them, since my claimed score in CQ WW DX SSB 2011 was better than ever before. (If you’d like to, you can read more about my participation in the contest  in one of previous articles on this blog.)

As I learnt just a few minutes ago, my final score is 447,529 points (847 QSOs, 232 Country multipliers and 79 Zone multipliers), thanks to which I’m the 1st in SO AB LP category in the Czech Republic!!!

This year’s CQ WW DX SSB is held on 27th – 28th October, hope to hear you then!

73! Ondra, OK1CLD

Update 18.10.: Just received a certificate, the first one I’ve ever received for CQ WW DX!

My certificate for CQ WW DX SSB 2011

My certificate for CQ WW DX SSB 2011

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