Tag Archives: SSB Liga

SSB Liga 05/2012

Today, for the first time after a few years, I participated in SSB Liga contest. It’s a two hours long Czech and Slovak contest, held each month on 80 meters band SSB. Connections may be made only between Czech and/or Slovak stations and contest exchange is OK/OM district abbreviations.

I really like the contests where exchange is some location information and not just serial number – because I’m much more interested in where I managed to call to, than in how many contacts the other station made… Another thing I like is that max power that can be used is 100 Watts, which means the contest is a good practice for me, since I use 100W all the time…

In this morning’s SSB Liga I managed to make 92 QSOs into 54 OK/OM districts. Most of them (70 QSOs) were made while calling CQ. My total score is 4968 points and according to contest website, at the moment of writing (5th May 21:34 CEST) I’m on the 21st place out of 49.

I had a really great time during the contest and regret not participating before. If I have time I’ll definitely participate in the next month’s part.

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