Just like in 2009 and 2010, I’d like to make here a short summary of my ham radio activity during the last 365 days.
In 2011 I managed to make 1895 QSOs (current total is 9407 QSOs since 4th June 2003) – it is the highest count so far, but still it means I didn’t fulfill my New Year’s Eve resolution to make at least 2000 QSOs. Once again I used mostly Phone mode.
During the year I contacted 134 DXCC countries, which increased my DXCC total up to 172. However, only 137 of them (136 current entities, 1 deleted – Netherlands Antilles) is confirmed via LoTW.
I also became quite close to working all U.S. States – in 2011 I managed to make QSOs with 42 different states, including Alaska and Hawaii. At the moment my total is 46 states (45 confirmed via LoTW, one – West Virginia – only via paper QSL). That means just 4 states are remaining – Idaho, Nevada, North Dakota and Wyoming.
And what would I like to manage in the next year? To be more active and make AT LEAST those 2000 QSOs. Also to practice Morse code – I know I said before, so to fulfill it in 2012 I decided to participate in morning Czech and Slovak CW contests, organized every month. And last, but not least I’d like to contact those last 4 remaining U.S. States to get WAS award.
That’s probably all from me for now, thanks a lot for all QSOs made in 2011 and I look forward to hear you on bands in 2012.
73! Ondra, OK1CLD
Happy and Prosperous New Year 2012!
PF 2012 de OK1CLD